
scaling back

have scaled back on a couple luxuries in an attempt to keep money present and growing in my bank account. 

giving up one thing in particular has hurt the most.  a once daily (even twice daily on the rarest of occasions) treat from my favorite place, has now been scaled back to weekend only occurences.  over the week, i've gotten picture messages/emails from a handful of people sharing a new cup of joy... one that I can't wait to hold in my hand, sit in the cup holder of the car on a day filled with errands, stare at endlessly.

getting up early to head to richmond tomorrow for our premarital ministry session means we'll get to indulge.  and I will get to finally see this year's beauty in person.

cannot wait.

for me it's not just a cup.  it's a sign of what's to come.  our little reminder that the time of joy and love is quickly approaching.  we can hold on to this warm cup of cheer, sipping to keep warm.  time to get my lists made, travel arrangements settled, and to bring my ever present thoughts of holiday decorating to life.

get ready ipod. you're about to be overloaded with a whooole lot of jingle.


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