
falling for fall

When thinking of a favorite season, most would be quick to jump to spring, or most often summer. I, un-surprisingly, would have usually said winter, given Christmas falls in the winter.  Last year, though, an unexpected season captured my heart, swayed my attention....

We had the most incredible fall last year.  We were living together in Virginia Beach.  Not far from mom & dad.  The two of us, with a now well behaved Addie, a happy Zues, and a Gracie that loved having the room to run around and get away from the dogs.

We spent time outside on brisk walks with the dog, exploring pumpkin patches, indulging in festive Starbucks drinks, family dinners with the folks, fun nights of bowling and movies, weekend drives thru the mountains to visit with the Dovel's, falling in love with great fall television and a great new little life for our fam.

Last year, I fell in love with this season, one that I had appreciated before, but not fully understanding how wonderful this time truly was.

Looking forward to a fall just as wonderful... more fall festivals, pumpkin picking & carving, making endless batches of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (mark's fav), goody bags for loved ones, Starbucks delights, and lots of scarves and boots. <3

images of our fall 09:

Why yes, Fall, I'm so glad you're here. 


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