
head pain & love

Struggling with headaches for months at a time seems horrible.  And let me tell you, there's nothing fun about it.  I feel as if most days I come home wanting to just lay around.  The headaches have stripped me of my energy and my motivation.  They make me tired and sad half the time.

The one pleasant part of this whole awful ordeal has been living with my best friend.  He constantly surprises me, always willing to do whatever I may need.  He's there at my good times, but also there when I'm a bit crazy from the pain.  He's sweet, he's true, and he reminds me every single day why we chose each other to spend our lives with.

After coming home with a headache tonight, my sweet man cleaned out the bathtub, lit some candles, and drew me a lavendar bath... occupying the puppies for awhile so I could have a few quiet moments to myself.  All his idea.  So generous.

So I just wanted to take a minute to write my appreciation.  I'm grateful every morning.  I'm grateful every night.  You make me happy, you see me through the pain.  A lifetime of love just for you.

(our very first picture together... 02.2009) 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Reading this brings back those happy times, and makes me so happy that you are in my life Kim. Just think the happy times are just beginning! <3
